Dear Taylor, Anna, and Hudson,
We had such a fun few days leading up to the 4th, and even 90% of the 4th was fantastic, and then, at 10pm, the stomach flu struck our house. More about that later. Here is the fun stuff first:
We loved lounging at the Rosewood for a few days. We swam, snacked, and swam more. It was the perfect way to pass days.
Taylor girl, you were our fish! You really only got to spend a day there, no thanks to the flu, but you made the most of it!
Keeping your baba warm Hudson:) Boy do I wish that had been a bottle of champagne.
My happy place.
Burritos for lunch on the patio.
We only had one chance you get a cousin shot and it was pretty funny. Love seeing all of you together.
T, and A, you are so so lucky to have Caroline as your girl cousin. She is the perfect role model for you two. Love!
family photo? yikes.
Waiting for the fireworks to start at the Kilpatricks! This was such fun.
Freddie was the cutest, he thought we were at a park since there were so many fun things to do.
We loved every minute of celebrating the 4th this year! So lucky to do it with cousins.