You have gone with your Grandma to the cabin and there is almost silence here. Hudson asks "where are my guuuurls? I miss my guuuurls." I say "me too buddy, me too."
Dad is in Japan and because of the chaos that comes with the new roof, Hudson spends his days at Mary Poppins' house. Yes, three is the buzz of saws, the humm of the nail gun with predictable rhythm of nails shooting into the roof, but the house itself is quiet.
Beds are made, the dishwasher is quiet , the washer and dryer are still. There are no requests for help finding a missing sock, scheduling a play date, a snack, a ride. Just me and my thoughts.
I eagerly await Hudson's arrival home each day, he has so much joy in his eyes, so many stories to tell. My mind can refocus on tasks rather than thoughts. We walk the block, water the flowers, drive aimlessly. We run on Hudson's time and follow his lead. Rice crispier for dinner at 8pm- no problem. I don't recognize myself.
I can't wait for you to get home. I can't imagine coping while you are at sleep away camp later this summer!!!
Xoxo mom