Sunday, October 21, 2012


Dear Taylor, 

When you were born, I was lucky enough to be pregnant with a number of girlfriends, all expecting baby girls:)  It was such fun to be able to worry together, celebrate milestones together, and pass those very long days with infants together.  

Tonight, Daddy and I got to catch up with one set of these friends that we absolutely love!  Daddy went to high school with the mom in this family, and when we walked into our first baby care class as pregnant couples- they were there!  When I was in early labor, Daddy went out to get ice, and found the other mom wandering the halls with her IV of pitocin.  We labored in rooms that shared a wall- she delivered a little girl that day, and I delivered you a few weeks later.  We lived a block apart, shared meals, took long walks pushing baby strollers, vacationed together, celebrated birthdays, second babies, and everything else. 

While we have not grown apart, we have both moved from our starter homes, you are now in different schools miles apart, and we have busy lives doing nothing but keeping up with our kids.  All that said, we had such a great time catching up.  Our lives are so similar, parallel really.  

I guess my point is that as you develop friendships and time passes you will find that people will ebb and flow from your life, and that is ok.  Of that initial group, we still see very few of those couples/families.  But, those families play such a special role in our family history.  We are grateful to each of them for the times we shared, and will be happy to see them when our paths cross again.

Taylor, you were so lucky that you had such a fun group of friends, and that group of friends will change over time.


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