Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Dear Taylor, Anna and Hudson,

We need to work on being grateful around here.  It is as simple as saying please and thank you.  It is as complicated as setting aside time each day to focus on why we are grateful.  So, I will lead by example.  As I did several years ago, I am taking the Gratitude Challenge.

We are going to work this into our schedule each night at dinner.  Each night at dinner, we now go around the table and say one thing for which we are grateful.  Anna, you are THE BEST and keeping us on track, and getting us going each night.  You call on people, and decide who goes when.  Usually you are the most grateful and list almost every thing you have done that day.  Hudson, you mostly say random words, but hey, we will take that as gratitude:)

So, here we go:

Use the alphabet as a fun and quick format for making a list of things for which you feel grateful. Share this list with your social network through email, a blog post or a Facebook or MySpace page. 

A- Anna
B- Beth- We have the most talented, creative auntie/sister-in-law.
C- Caroline- she is your cousin, but is more like a sister for you girls.  She is an amazing example for you girls.
D- Daddy bear!  I married the best husband, father, partner in the life.  But for you three, I am grateful he is your dad.
Declan- we just love one of our newest boy cousins.  He and Hudson are going to be such fun partners in crime some day.
E- Elmo.  Hudson loves Elmo.  Everyone wins.
F- Freddie.  Freddie and Anna become the best of friends whenever they are together.  The best part though- Freddie snuggles.  They are my fav.
Football- becoming such a fun family activity
Flip flops.  Who doesn't love them?
G- Grandpa.  I miss him.
H- Hubs. We can't live without her.
Hip-Hop dance class.  You girls love it, and I love to watch it.
I- Ice cream- because it makes all three of you so happy.
J- Jeremiah.  I am so lucky that he is my brother.
K- Kindle App.  Convenient, less expensive books delivered to the iPad.  Yes, please!
L-Laughter.  Kids laughter. The great big, deep belly laughs.
M- Meggie.  Could I have a better sister?  I think not.
N- Neighbors.  We have some great friends in our neighborhood and I am so thrilled about this.
O- Ocular migraines.  I am grateful that I only get them when I am pregnant.  They are debilitating.
P- Pink.  It makes the girls happy.  It makes me happy.  Everyone wins.
Pot stickers.  Yum
Q- Quiet. Peace and quiet.
R- ROWAN!  You guys love Rowan.  We get to see him fairly often, and you think he is a super fun playmate.
S- Sebastian! Sebby.  New baby love.
T- Tomas, Tisky.  Tomas for being the greatest partner for Hudson.  Baby Hudson LOVES Tomas, and Tomas loves Hudson.  Tisky- the godfather.  Anna loves having that special relationship with Vasco, and he is such a good godfather.
U- Ultrasounds.  I am done having them for the babies, and while I was grateful for them, they brought so much stress too.  Happy to be past that phase.
V- Valentine's day.  Nothing says love like take out sushi and a night at home with my loves.
W- White wine.
X- X rays.
Y- "Yes, and"  I am grateful for this phrase as an alternative to no. I am trying to say "no" more carefully, so "yes, and" is a lovely alternative.
Z- The zoo.


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