(Taylor, I know you were with us, but missed all my pictures somehow).
Daddy took you to Costco to check things off his lists I talked about in my last note to you. Anna, you have never missed the chance to dress up for an occasion, and I guess Costco is an occasion.

Before Pinterest, people would cut out magazines to create idea boards. For homes, crafts, clothes, you name it, people would cut it out. Now you can "pin" it on your boards online- such a fun site, such a time suck, but we love it!
Anna, you decided we needed to get cracking on a major home design overhaul. So, you grabbed all of Hubbie's french home magazines and got to work cutting. Your home will be beautiful!
Hudson, after your bath, you got your diaper on and took off running, hoping to get to see a show. Hubbie's tv is so tricky, it pretends to be a mirror, but Hudson, you know better and wait for me to hop to it and find Barney:)
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