So, Daddy and I escaped for 24 quick hours to celebrate our anniversary! We had such a nice time relaxing. For the first time in an shocking amount of time, I went to the gym two days in a row. I haven't been since, but it felt so good to exercise;) I spent the rest of the day watching bad tv, napping, getting a massage, watching more tv, then eating take out and going to sleep early. I was telling your auntie about the day and she said it sounded so heavenly she would sacrifice a small animal to have that kind of day..... ahhh, the desperation of mothers for a little peace and quiet:)

On our way home, we stopped for a quick lunch and got this amazing soup- it was so good I took a picture.
Taylor, hubs whipped up a snack for you- I suggested salami and cheese and this is what she put together! Her imagination never ceases to amaze me!
In more random posting related to food. We tried to switch things up this weekend and hit Five Guys instead of In N Out. You were both happy although Taylor, you didn't actually eat much more than peanuts. Hudson was very busy coloring and eating nothing. At some point I will get smart enough to order for me and Anna only and we will save MILLIONS!
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