Dear Kiddos,
I spent most of last week taking care of Hubs.
She had surgery.
I nursed her back to health.
I really was living in the "middle place" or the sandwich generation (even thought I am NOT 40).
I dutifully sat in the waiting room with my reading material, of which I read almost nothing.
I updated Hubbie's friends and my brother and sister, but mostly, I ached to be with you.
You see, I hate a love/hate relationship with our routines.
I wanted to be at our dining room table doing homework.
I wanted to be there at the end of the day to hear about who you sat with at lunch,
or what happened at school.
Instead, we waited, and waited.
Hubbie had her surgery, and I got her home.
Once there, it was like I was with you three. I made charts and organized.
I stocked the fridge, made meals, made sure she had everything she needed.
All the while, I was on FaceTime with you. And I worried.
Worried that my remaining parent was aging.
Worried that I am the only caregiving for this parent.
Worried that no one was brushing their teeth at home.
Worried that I was not only dropping balls at work, but that I had no idea what the balls are.
Worried that i was too tired for all of this.
I saw this on Pinterest and thought of it often over the last week.
I know that life brings twists and turns.
I know this past week wouldn't even qualify as a speed bump on the road.
What was hardest was the possibility of what could be.
When my dad died a year ago, I became acutely aware of only having one parent.
Luckily, Hubbie is mostly healthy.
Let's hope she recovers quickly and gets back to her life.
Mostly, I am so happy I could come home to the chaos of all of you.