New hair for a new beginning
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Book Reports Kinda Suck
I really wish I could tell you that I thought book reports are important.
But I don't.
They are bull s*&t.
It really doesn't help but we are starting yours REALLY late.
You were assigned the project weeks ago.
But I couldn't pull it together.
I couldn't bring myself to help you.
I'm so sorry.
What on earth is wrong with me?
Now we are in the final week and the lack of planning has created a mad rush.
I hate a lack of planning/ mad rush situation.
We have skipped all your activities this week.
For this freaking thing.
If I haven't said this before, I think that after school time shouldn't be wasted on homework.
You should be outside.
Taking deep breaths.
Getting exercise.
Riding bikes.
Too bad this isn't reality.
On Monday (after I forgot to pick you up at school), we went to the library.
I packed the "everything on earth we might need for this freaking book report" case.
I brought snacks and drinks.
We spent 2.5 hours together and it was lovely.
Just the two of us, among our books.
Tonight, you mentioned that this was one of your favorite things we have ever done and hoped we could go more often.
I couldn't agree more Taylor.
Sadly, I couldn't remember how to construct a book report.
Thanks to pinterest we had this handy sandwich.
It saved us.
So, Taylor,
I guess the means justify the ends.
Book reports are total crap, but I loved the time we spent.
I loved watching your mind work.
I savored the time we spent together.
It was quite and peaceful, and that is my favorite kind of time.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Dear Taylor, Anna, and Hudson,
I have, during my time away, set out to actually live in the moment with each of you more often,
and if we are being honest, the bar for "more often" was really low.
I had not really been in the moment in a LONG time.
After a busy weekend with our Anna, today was slow.
Hudson, we savored a nice slow breakfast and "Wa Boowage."
I love our dates there buddy. You are mostly calm and happy.
You love your chocowate chip madewines and
you love to sit at the table next to me because you "are a big boy."
Anna, it was such fun to see you in action on yard duty.
Don't get me wrong, I told Daddy that if I had to do yard duty again as long as I am alive,
it will be far too soon, but I was happy to see you in your natural habitat...
and horrified at the same time.
You are a wild child, and maybe a manners class can replace swimming?
As you ran off to the play structure I snapped this picture of you rocking the arm and leg brace!
There is a quote that says:
"You have to take life and ride it till the wheels fall off."
-Brad Sims
Anna, the wheels are off. I saw you climbing and jumping around the play structure like you had limbs to spare and you almost gave me a complete heart attack.
Katie, your PT, has suggested we bubble wrap you and I think this might be our best bet.
I was cleaning up my paper calendar and had to snap a picture.
It feels like this:
We lot A LOT of time at Packard and Stanford.
Mine was all work, and most recently we have been there often as patients.
So many appointments.
Anna's now expanded apt. schedule.
Too much.
I read a Mark Twain quote that said:
"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful of your life."
PS- I forgot that I had written about the library moment here and gave its own post.
your mom that has lost her mind
PS- I forgot that I had written about the library moment here and gave its own post.
your mom that has lost her mind
Anna Davis.......
Life isn't dull with you....ever .
Fairly typical- 10 minutes into a birthday party when you tripped and landed on your arm. On a scale of 1-10 you told the nurse you thought it was a 1.
After a quick x-ray they confirmed a radial head fracture (see here: )
Anna, you were the chattiest, happiest patient in the ER. You told most people your life story and are super excited to see Javi- the cast man.
As I summed up for JTK and Beth, here is a summary of our recent medical care:
1. Nervous breakdown
2. Sleep apnea and mask
3. Basal cell carcinoma
4. Night time sleeping brace for Anna's foot
5. Fractured radial head
Good times from casa de Davis.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
A Letter to my Mom on Mother's Day
Dear Hubs,
I am sure you thought the load would get lighter as we all aged,
but really we more than quadrupled your work.
You went from worrying about the three of us,
to thinking about the three of us, our three spouses, and our nine children.
If anyone is equal to the task, it is you.
You can resolve any challenge, embrace any topic and become expert or simply distract from a "despondent" kiddo.
You teach, console, coach, encourage, mentor, love, and cherish.
You do this in person, on the phone, or via FaceTime.
You show us integrity, dedication, the importance of family,
your love of travel, the value of seeing the world, hard work,
and how to take a minute for a good back rub, and a round of skinarmarinkidink.
You cheer on your grandkids at tennis, soccer, scootering, swimming and rugby.
You congratulate them for baptisms and first communions, even though it really isn't your thing.
You helicopter parent when we need it.....still.
You let us soar and watch with pride.
We are all SO so lucky that you are our Hubbard.
Happy Mother's Day.
We all love you with gusto and zest.
Mother's Day
Last year, I wrote this about mother's day.
I am giving this another go, and am so curious what mother's day will hold.
Daddy has already set the bar high with this wonderful video. See it here.
In the meantime.
I love the little moments that make me your mom.
98% of the time, being your mom is amazing,
but I always say that the mundane parts are my favorite.
Sitting in a chair snuggling my girls.
In the meantime.
I love the little moments that make me your mom.
98% of the time, being your mom is amazing,
but I always say that the mundane parts are my favorite.
Sitting in a chair snuggling my girls.
Blowing out a birthday candle (the 4th of this birthday).
Savoring our favorite beach, in our favorite city,
with one of the most spectacular views.
I also love the big moments.
Holding you for the first time and falling deeply in love.
Sharing an afternoon treat on a hot summer day.
These are my favorite parts of being your mom.
Seeing the world through your eyes is the gift of motherhood.
Savoring our favorite beach, in our favorite city,
with one of the most spectacular views.
I also love the big moments.
Holding you for the first time and falling deeply in love.
Sharing an afternoon treat on a hot summer day.
A silly selfie well past bedtime.
Taking in a remarkable art installation in a favorite cathedral in the city.
These are my favorite parts of being your mom.
Seeing the world through your eyes is the gift of motherhood.
I have spent more time with all of you in the recent weeks and it has been such a treat.
Each day has been hard for me.
I am exhausted.
All the time.
I am grieving.
I am lost.
I am not thriving. I am surviving each day.
I am not thriving. I am surviving each day.
You three are my anchors.
The beauty of each of you is that at your age, your focus is mostly you.
You need me..... for so many things, big and small.
I need you.
Each year on New Year's I read these words.
This Christmas, mend a quarrel.
Seek out a forgotten friend.
Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust.
Write a letter.
Give a soft answer.
Encourage youth.
Manifest your loyalty in word and deed.
Keep a promise.
Forgo a grudge.
Forgive an enemy.
Try to understand.
Examine your demands on others.
Think first of someone else.
Be kind.
Be gentle.
Laugh a little more.
Express your gratitude.
Welcome a stranger.
Gladden the heart of a child.
Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth.
Speak your love and then speak it again.
Christmas is a celebration, and there is no celebration that compares with the realization of its true meaning
--with the sudden stirring of the heart that has extended itself unselfishly in the things that matter most.
-Howard W. Hunter
I am certainly not doing all of even most of these things, but I am doing my very best on a few.
The saying, "I will make better mistakes tomorrow"
is most appropriate when thinking about mothering.
I do my very best.
I try to be deliberate and thoughtful.
Sometimes I fail.
I will always try to make better mistakes tomorrow.
You three are my light.
You three are my life.
Some days are hard.
Most are amazing.
In the very small ways.
Thank you.
The saying, "I will make better mistakes tomorrow"
is most appropriate when thinking about mothering.
I do my very best.
I try to be deliberate and thoughtful.
Sometimes I fail.
I will always try to make better mistakes tomorrow.
You three are my light.
You three are my life.
Some days are hard.
Most are amazing.
In the very small ways.
Thank you.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Seven is Heaven....
Anna Davis,
I am not going to lie, you have seemed much older for a pretty long time,
but I perfectly happy to think of you as my six year old girl.
The years with you are FLYING by.
I know we say that all too often, but you were born an old soul,
and have felt like a small adult for quite some time:)
So, for the stats. You are 4 ft. 5 inches and 77lbs. You are such a tall girl, well over the 95%.
You love so many things right now I can barely list them.
Mostly, you love your sister and brother, have been trying many new foods,
and have become quite the reader.
You are a whiz at math when you want to be, and spelling also comes fairly easily to you.
You tolerate school, but frankly,
would rather spend your day socializing, or running a fortune 500 company:)
You have graduated from OT, are still plugging away at PT, and continue with hip hop.
Next up for you will be swimming!
You have had such a great birthday celebration so far.
You brought donuts to class yesterday to celebrate,
and then we had a fun dinner at Cheesecake Factory with Hubbie-
you LOVE when they sing to you.
Judy's Super fudge cake with a candle :)
This morning we were up bright and early for birthday donuts and presents.
You were hoping for a dop kit (because Taylor has one),
clothes for your american girl, and new sheets and curtains.
Our big girl at her birthday table.
Fancy yogurt parfait to start the day.
Ryder P's first communion with Lolo.
You two are always so so happy to see eachother! It is adorable.
Hudson was not our best church goer so the two of us left for a nice drive and a stop
at McDs for a diet coke for me, and treat for him.
How fun are the Spider Man glasses that came with his meal?
Imagine that, you and Lolo have matching exercise clothes and tennis shoes!
Daddy gave Ryder some interesting presents for his special day.
A double cake!!!
Ryder's first communion on one side, and your birthday on the other.
Nothing better than mint chip ice cream.
My birthday girl with Julie Rae.
The bubba hit the wall at about 1:30pm so he snuggled up for a movie and some kettle corn.
Taylor and Ryder started on Jenga Bomb towers.
Almost have it......
After a great day with cousins, Lauren came home with us for a sleepover and special cousin time.
Daddy took you girls off to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner and ice cream.
Now, you and Lo are snuggled up for a movie and hopefully will crash soon.
You are such a remarkable girl Anna.
We love your spirit and energy and you bring such joy to us every day.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Spring Break Part II- Anna Takes New York
Just a quick look look at your NY trip with a few pictures.
More pictures here.
I am so so happy you got to have such a special trip/time with your cousins.

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