Monday, May 13, 2013

Why Mothers Day is a Let Down

So, Kids,

I will say, that for the most part, every Mother's Day has been a let down.  I go in with the expectation that you are going to be perfectly behaved angels, and I will get to pretend I have no actual responsibility for the day.  Never. Ever. Happens.

This year, the day fell after a loooooonnnng week at work, all the activities at home, and for some reason, I thought you would be extra perfect in light of this.  Instead, rooms were messy, people whined, and I was grumpy and tired.

If I were to sum it up, I would say that I was expecting a day that I would plan, and none of you would ever plan that kind of event.  So, kids, good news for you.  I am going to plan my own mother's day from here on out, and better news for you, I am not inviting any of you. I am already excited for next year.

As part of the day, we ran up to SF for a bit, grabbing flowers for Hubbie on the way.  I thought they were stunning.
Aren't they stunning?
Anna, you lost a tooth!  
I had not really thought what our dinner wold be like, but you three ate together while coloring outside. Hudson, I didn't bother to make you a plate, since you never eat anyway, and you didn't eat the mac and cheese in the "to go" cup.

So kids.  Thanks for a sub-par mother's day.  I can't wait for the years to come. 
Also, rest assured, I will be planning my own birthday, and probably buying my own presents too.

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