Tuesday, November 25, 2014

20 days?

Dear kiddos,

Where on earth did the last 20 days go?  We haven't been especially busy, just taking things one day at a time.  Daddy has been traveling, a lot.  Mommy and Hudson even traveled! 

Here are the last three weeks in pictures:
Hudson, you had a haircut and never had a single tear:)

We ran some errands in SF> 
 After all those errands a beach day was in order.

Pensive moment for Taylor. 

 No suit, no sunscreen, not prepared..... at all.

 And then, no underpants either.

 All the while, Anna and Daddy were super stars doing a 3+mile run!  
Nice job guys!!

We will get to the 19 other days later.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Halloween 2014- Part 2

Even with Daddy gone, we managed to pull ourselves together.

One silly one too:)
Anna, I LOOOOVE your expression here.
Taylor, yours is awesome!

 Daddy sent us fantastic presents.
Caramel Apples.

And that is all there was to this year's Halloween.
Super happy it is over.
Christmas, here we come!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween 2014- Check (part 1)


I won't lie to you.  Halloween is maybe my least favorite holiday.  Costumes are not my thing, kids trick or treating is so weird to me (7 bags of candy from Costco later), and the three of you being on a sugar high and then major crash REALLY is not my thing.

So, let's have a peek into this year's chaos, shall we?

We started with Hudson's class party, which was really quite cute.
Hudson with his beloved teacher Ms. Doa

 Cutie crafts
 A fun day with my sweet boy.

From there I was off to your parade/parties girls.  
 Taylor, the mom in charge of your class party was amazing. 
She did such an outstanding job.

It is hard to believe this was just the beginning of the day.

More later.