Thursday, June 19, 2014


Dear Anna and Taylor,

You have gone with your Grandma to the cabin and there is almost silence here.  Hudson asks "where are my guuuurls? I miss my guuuurls." I say "me too buddy, me too."

Dad is in Japan and because of the chaos that comes with the new roof, Hudson spends his days at Mary Poppins' house.  Yes, three is the buzz of saws, the humm of the nail gun with predictable rhythm of nails shooting into the roof, but the house itself is quiet.

Beds are made, the dishwasher is quiet , the washer and dryer are still.  There are no requests for help finding a missing sock, scheduling a play date, a snack, a ride. Just me and my thoughts. 

I eagerly await Hudson's arrival home each day, he has so much joy in his eyes, so many stories to tell. My mind can refocus on tasks rather than thoughts. We walk the block, water the flowers, drive aimlessly.  We run on Hudson's time and follow his lead. Rice crispier for dinner at 8pm- no problem. I don't recognize myself.

I can't wait for you to get home. I can't imagine coping while you are at sleep away camp later this summer!!!

Xoxo mom

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Hip Hop Hooray, Ho, Hey.


You were amazing.  You blew my doors off with your hip hopping.

I loved absolutely every single second.  Mostly watching my girls do their thing.  The entire time I thought to myself, "daddy would be saying that they get their moves from him!!!"


Sunday, June 8, 2014


My sweet three,

So much is in flux.  

A year is ending- you have each had such a good year. 1st and 3rd grade are almost behind us. Summer begins.  Activity schedules are changing.  The cousins are coming.  

We transition.  We put away 180 days of hard work.  The first day of school feels like yesterday.  I can't believe how much you two have grown this year.  YOu seem so much older than this picture.

The pace slows down significantly after the last mass of the year...... when the saints go marching out.  I cry.  Every. Single. Year.

Uniforms are packed away for the summer. Flip flops and bathing suits and sun dresses come out.  It is a good time of year in so many ways.  

The hardest thing for me is getting used to a new schedule.  I really love a schedule, with early bed times, and order, and checklists.  We will try to do things a little bit different this year.  Less structure.  More late evening walks and bike rides.  Fewer things on those checklists.  More spontaneity.  

Let's see how we do this summer.  Shall we, my loves?

We are going to do our very best. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Lazy Saturday

Who wants to spend the morning at the fly shop?
Actually the three of you loved it too.
You checked out the tank of algae, boy that was exciting.
 You looked at the many, many lures.
 And these thingys were super popular.

 Daddy was so happy.
Taylor, you found waders you loved.
Anna, you found a fly vest you wanted.
Hudson, you almost broke thousands of dollars worth of fishing poles.

After our adventure, we stopped for In-N-Out
then dropped the boys at home for naps.

Girls, we headed off for some fun mother/daughter time.

Anna, we got our hair washed and dried- I can't believe how long and luscious
your hair is looking these days. 
 Then it was off to T-Pumps for these drinks that you all love.
Popping boba?  What is that?
I don't understand the craze at all.
From there we headed home- you all had a sleepover with Hubs while Dad and I had a city night.


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A doctor a day.....

Dear Kids,

This is a familiar space.  Really familiar.
Dr. Jay's office.

I arrive and turn off the lights, turn on music, and wait.
 Peace. Quiet. A moment to be still with my thoughts.
We average a few appointments each week and it is tiring.
And expensive.

I have been home with you for almost two months.
The pros: 
-Time.  A lot of time with each of you.
-Connections. I am getting to know you in your environment- school.
I am getting to know your friends and their moms.
-Pace.  Our pace is slower.
-Therapy.  It is amazing- sometimes when someone you don't really know
tells you something about yourself. You believe them.
Even when the people that love you most have been telling you the same thing for years.

The cons:
Drama.  With connection comes drama.
Oh the drama of girls.  Ugh.  I could do without any of it.
-Time. Too much of it sometimes.
Too much time with my thoughts.
-Organization.  When I barely had time to breathe, I was uber organized.
Now that I have time, I am super disorganized.

Well loves, I love you each to the moon and back.
I am counting the minutes until summer.