Thursday, May 16, 2013

Organization and entitlement

Dear Taylor and Anna,

This post is really for you, since Hudson isn't really focused on making his bed as much as not falling out of it:)

So, I have been reading this book.
It has been really bothering me that we have not been proactive enough about your tasks as members of our family, and this book is helping me think about ways to systematize this for you.  We are starting slow, much like the author, but will build up.  I started leaving these lists for you on the breakfast bar each morning.  They are all the things I need you to do each day, and my favorite part is that you each get such satisfaction from doing your jobs.  My favorite job is, "something for the good of the house."  We are all in this boat together, and I want you both to learn that we have to all pitch in.  (The house is only as clean as the messiest room). 

Now, I am not asking much. I am asking for the basics.  There will be bumps- for example, Anna, you forgot to set out a uniform and in the morning you realized this and wound up pulling a dirty uniform off the floor.  This would have bothered me-a lot. But, I hope you learn from it.  

Next week, we are steeping it up.  Each morning, I will check your rooms and the following must be done: bed made, surfaces clean and neat, floors picked up.  You will each have a job with 30 $1 bills.  Each day you are checked off as completing these tasks, you keep your $1. Days you don't, I take your $1.  Your greatest excitement in this plan.... Daddy and I will have a jar too! You will check our room in the morning and split our $1 if we haven't done our work.  You can't use any of the $ until the end of the month.

What is really fantastic is if you are successful.....I will teach you how to do your own laundry.  You are both thrilled.  Nikki and I might cry with joy when you hit that milestone.

We can do this!!!

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