Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Non sequitur

Ok, Kids,

Who is ready for some topics, none of which will follow.  (Definition: In everyday speech, a non sequitur is a statement in which the final part is totally unrelated to the first part).  I will do even better, none of these topics will conect.

1. My dad died 319 days ago.  It still feels like yesterday.  Grief is hard.  I have a board on Pinterest with quotes, mostly about grief.  Here is one- I don't have the source. "Grief changes shape, but never ends."  My sister and brother and I have been in an email exchange today, and I found myself saying/typing our dad would have said.  See, Grandpa LOVED books and had many of them.  Often, he would tell a story which would inspire him to share a book with you.  He would go looking for it and say, "well, I couldn't find that one, but I found this instead." Sometimes the new book was the same topic, sometimes not. 

2.  Hudson, you have been wearing "man pants."  The girls decided we can't call these undies, so "man pants" it is.  The bad news is that these don't impact your need to use the potty.  Now, you just use your sister's room.  Baby steps buddy.  Baby steps.  In the meantime, there is nothing cuter than your little bum and legs in these man pants.

 3. I LOVE fresh flowers.  They really brighten the day and our home.  Loving the simplicity of these white flowers right now.  Also, fresia are some of my favorites:)
 4. So, Hudson.  You are entering a pushy phase.  This series of pics was taken at about 8:30 p.m. or 3 hours past your bedtime. You grabbed a bowl and started saying "cereal, cereal, cerea." 
 You paused for a moment for a picture. 
 Then started trying to push me to get up and make you a bowl of cereal
 Really pushing now.  Of course I got up and got you some cereal.  You are pushy.  I am a pushover. 


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