Wednesday, October 1, 2014

On My Mind

My sweet loves,

There are a few things weighing heavily on my mind (in no particular order).

1. Being home means I have more mental energy for all the little bumps in your roads.  A year ago, I would hear about the bumps, but they would disappear from my radar once the next fire popped up. There are VERY few fires right now, so these bumps often feel like mountains.

2. I have the kind of personality where I can take a small thing and make it huge in my mind.  I may obsess about REALLY silly things.  Volleyball coach doesn't show for practice- in my mind I have found two solutions.  1. Speak to all appropriate administration to set guidelines for who should coach teams.  2. Sign up to coach basketball to make sure we have more structure around that.  (Note- have not played basketball since 1995).  Dramatic- check. Keeping this under control is really difficult and often takes more energy than obsessing over silly things.  Sigh.

3. Even though I have more time than I know what to do with (theory), I can't get anything done.  My day goes by quickly, and I am wasting so much energy (see #1) that I can't seem to do the small stuff. (See #2)

4. Your  checklists are coming back with a vengeance friends.  Much like your mother, you girls seem to have completely forgotten there are a number of things we MUST do to get out of the freaking house.  I am tempted to just let it all crumble one day so you can each see the consequences, but am not at the point where I can let all hell break loose yet.  I  would get a good laugh to see you all running to the car with one, maybe 2 shoes on.  Maybe your lunch, probably not.  Definitely all homework on the dining room table, and snacks safely on the kitchen counter next to your uneaten breakfast.  Also, I am sure those stinky teeth would make friends and win people over ALL.DAY.LONG.  Oh, with bed head too.  I would say we are about T-Daddy and Hubbie leaving in November for this shit show.  Hudson, you would go to school in your footie jammies with both blankies having eaten only a bar of some sort- so not far from a normal day for you bud.
This is you about 10 minutes before we get the girls after school- a sweaty ball of blankie love.

5.  The picture of microsoft office you see below is the first of two that I purchased.  Unfortunately, I don't have a PC and therefore went mad trying to load this onto my Mac.  I'll take that computer genius award and polish it for the bookcase next to my housekeeping and parenting awards for 2014.  Ugh.  Thank goodness Daddy saved me and went and bought the version for a mac and it is loaded on my computer.

That is about as much joy and positivity as I can put together for one evening kids.
Here is to a better day tomorrow.


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