Saturday, November 3, 2012

Grandpa, Part IV

Dear Taylor, Anna, and Hudson,

I will say that memories of your Grandpa continue to overwhelm me.  With smiles. With tears.
I will say that grief is relentless.  Grief is surprising.  Grief is hard.  I tell the three of you often that "we do hard things."  I don't want you to shy away from things that seem hard, but I wan't to shy away from this business.  I would like to be at the point where I remember Grandpa fondly, and am sad that he is gone, but don't fall to tears thinking about him when I am in Target trying to remember to buy socks and Windex.  (I forget those two items ALL the time).

Anyway, here is what I want you to know about your grandpa.
1. He loved Halloween.  He used to turn the school into a big haunted house. Peeled grapes for eye balls, spaghetti for guts.
2.  He would leave candy wrappers everywhere.  I can't for the life of me remember what kind of candy he liked, but I definitely remember that he ate butterscotch lifesavers. Maybe it is that I remember lifesaver wrappers.
3. Grandpa loved frozen dinner food.  Chipped beef, Welsh Rarebit, Salisbury Steak.  When we cleaned out his refrigerator (I should say when my sister) there were tons of these.
4. Grandpa went through of phase of making homemade pasta and it was so much fun.  Probably total chaos, but a lot of fun!


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