Monday, November 5, 2012

Indian Summer

Dear Taylor, Anna, and Hudson,

We are having the nicest warm weather. You three spent hours and hours at the park this afternoon. When you got home, and after homework was checked off, we were back outside to circle the block.

I have very mixed feelings about this weather. I long for cool, not cold, days where soup and a comfortable couch sound inviting rather than terrible. Today was the perfect day for a popsicle or an afternoon ice tea at Starbucks.  Instead I made pumpkin muffins (will baking fall things bring fall weather?)  but had to open doors and windows since the oven really heated up the house.

In a few weeks when the weather cools, and we are stuck inside because it is freezing (50 deg) or raining, I know we will long for days like today.

For today, I am so happy watching you three charge around the block together, especially you, Hudson, because you are SO happy to be out there with your sisters.  You run behind them saying, "GIRLS, GIRLS, ANNA, TAY."  Nothing better.

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