Dear Kids,
Today was one of those days where fate stepped in. I picked up Anna from PT and raced her to PT, in transit, she mentioned she wanted Thai food for dinner, and Hubbie, who is sleeping over before her big surgery tomorrow, obliged. So, I came home, changed, and then stopped at the Thai place to order before going back for Anna!
I went in, asked the lady if she could please deliver, (she couldn't). I placed our order, and let the woman know I would be back by 5:45 exactly to collect our food. A woman I noticed when I first walked in said, "Oh you must have small children if you now precisely when you will be back." I said that I did and that this was the busiest day with so many pick ups and drop offs at the same time at different places and running running running late all the time. She sat with a book, a lovely plate of food, and an ice cold beer. I thought that she looked so happy. so relaxed. She said, "well, I hope you are taking time to take care of yourself. You will miss these days when your children have grown and you are here alone in a restaurant." I immediately thought of Momastery's Don't Carpe Diem post and smiled to myself. We chatted a bit more before I raced back to get Anna. As I drove away, I smiled thinking to myself that these days are HARD, but I will miss them. I love the time sitting at the dining room table with each of you. I love hearing about the innocence of your day, where the big news is that someone got a yellow card or a red card for talking too much. I will miss it when no one needs a snack packed or help with their hair. I like the structure. I recognize that the days where you will wrap your arms around me in a great snuggle are finite. This woman brought a smile to my face in an unexpected way. She wasn't saying that I should savor every moment with you, she was reminding me to take a few moments for me too.
So, Anna and I headed back to pick up the food and this woman was still there, chatting with April, who runs the Thai place. She chatted with Anna, and instatntly recognized her AFO brace as exactly what it is. She asked where ours was made- we go to the same place and see the same person. We see the same partners for our care at LPCH. We lamented the challenges of buying shoes. We shared a bond as mothers who have navigated PT schedules and brace fittings, and the comments and looks from others.
As we were about to leave, she stood up and looked at you Anna to say, "You are special. You are going to change the world. Your foot makes you exceptional. " I welled up with tears. Anna, you are special, and you are going to change the world. This brace is hard for you, and makes things sticky sometimes, and you don't love many things about this. But, this woman made your eyes light up with pride, and she saw into your soul. She was just what we needed today.
I didn't catch her name, but this woman at the Thai place was just what we needed today.
I am so grateful for her, and so grateful for each of the three of you. The days are long but the years are short, they say. It is true. I already ache for the days of snuggling a squishy baby.
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