Thursday, October 18, 2012

Carpe Diem....or as I often think....don't.

Dear Taylor, Anna, and Hudson,

There is another blogger (Glennon Melton) who writes the most incredibly interesting, empowering, wonderful blog, and there are many of her posts that have resonated so strongly with me.

The first is a funny/light story about how when you are a mom, and your kids are young, life is a whirlwind.  Not bad, not always good, but it passes quickly, and sometimes the details blur.  Glennon wrote an article for the Huffington Post about how when you are a mom, it is REALLY hard to Carpe Diem.

Let me start with a few things:
1. I think you are three of the most incredible people on earth.
2. You bring more joy to my life than I ever thought possible.

Now, a couple counterpoints:
1. Being a mom is hard work.  I worry.  I fret.  I second guess myself.  I ask your dad hundreds of questions about you three: Are we doing the right thing?  Are you eating the best foods?  Should you do more/different activities?  (Really, hundreds.  Ask him.  Usually when he is trying to sleep/read/watch tv.  I am almost like the riddler.  He loves it:))

2. You three are the light of my life 98% of the time.  The other 2% of the time you are not the light of my life.  You have tantrums, you tell me I am ruining your life, you are mad at me because I didn't buy you leopard print suede flats, you are mad because you don't like your snack, you are fighting because someone touched someone else.  All real problems....... or not at all.

All that said, it can be easy to lose sight of how magical parenting can be.  It can be tempting to rush through the evening routine of homework, dinner, bath, reading, teeth brushing, etc.  In the end, while I am not so much a carpe diem kind of person, I am working really hard to stop and enjoy the process.     I know I will be the old lady in the grocery store saying, "oh they grow up so fast, savor every moment."  Hopefully I will be like Glennon plans to be and say, "You completely out of control kids are so great! let me get your groceries, pull the car around."


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