Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Sweet Taylor

Dear Taylor,

I realized I needed to do a Taylor update!  You are having such a great year so far.  I have heard parents say their kids "came into their own" and never really understood it, but I have to say, you really have come into your own, you have found your rhythm with school, and are having such a good time.

Your teacher is easy-going, artistic, and loves to read to your class.  She thinks that homework takes away from your family time, so she gives you a really reasonable amount each night.  Almost all your homework is online, and you whiz through it before I get home.

You are a reading machine!!  You are reading the Warrior series right now, and are on book four, racing to book five.  You are dying to get through the Warrior books because I have promised you that Harry Potter is next for you.

You are such a great person to have in our family too.  You are such a calm presence in the house 90% of the time. You are absolutely Anna's favorite person and she LOVES to be with you.  The minute you get home from school, she is so eager to play with you, and you are so kind with her.  Hudson thinks you are the best too!  You call him boy, boy, and he lights up.  You help me with your brother all the tim by reading him board books, chatting with him, and having dance parties with him.

You love to cook: you make muffins in your muffin maker, your own breakfast, snacks, and anything else.  If we make pancakes, you are a master flipper.  As for food, you are a pretty amazing eater.  You will really eat almost anything.  You are a light eater, and don't love sweets.  Your least favorite desserts are ice cream and popsicles.  You much prefer pie- usually cherry.

You love fashion.  When you are out of uniform you spend a lot of time picking outfits and telling me what is missing from your wardrobe.  The current list includes suede flats, knee high black boots, and new skinny jeans.  Good news- we are missing the same things!

All in all Taylor, you are such a joy to have around.


ps- I was trying to use the camera in manual mode (you were a willing participant) and the focus is off just a bit.

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