Thursday, October 11, 2012


Dear Tay and Hudson,

You both have a lovey. Taylor, you have had blankie and JJ since birth and sleep with them every night. If we travel, they travel. JJ has gone missing from time to time but we always find her and you are always so happy to have her back. Last night, for the first time, you slept without blankie. Thus morning I asked you about it and you said that your cousin told you to try it for a night and so you did. For now, you are going to keep blankie. What makes blanks so special is that Grandma gave it to you. As soon as you were born and had a name, she raced out at bought this blanket and embroidered it.

Hudson, a fee weeks before you were born Grandma delivered a batch of special handmade treats, including your blankie. You LOVE blankie. You carry it around, and when you find it on the floor, you dive face first into it to snuggle.

I don't know when you will grow out of this, but for now, we will keep the blankies.


ps- Anna, you have lots of blankets but not a true "lovey."

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