Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Actions Speak Louder than Words

Dear Taylor, Anna, and Hudson,

Last Friday's event was a tragedy.  A crushing, sad day of events, from which we are trying to shield all of you.  We have turned off the television, and radio, and control what you hear, as much as we can.  Friends came over this past weekend, and we made sure to tell them what you didn't know.  We are trying to protect you from a harsh reality.  Some may say that we shouldn't.  You hear about all this from your friends.  Maybe.  Maybe not.  We want you to believe the world is good and bright, not all of this darkness.  That you are safe.

One of my favorite blogs, 71 toes, linked to another blog, which really says it best.

So for every crazy, merciless, mentally ill terrorist who destroys life, and light, and innocence in this world, for every act of darkness, I need to do a thousand acts of light. The only way we win is by living better, by pushing back harder, by loving, and by nurturing in tiny and slightly less tiny ways and then repeating. Darkness only wins when the good people of the world stop generating light.

This mother isn't focused on the politics, or gun control, or anything but what she can do to make a change.  She can be the light.  

As parents, we show you by example.  Rather than telling you that the world has dark people, who do unspeakable things.  I hope we show you, through our actions, how to "live better."


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