Thursday, December 6, 2012

what a week

Dear Taylor, Anna, and Hudson,

This picture has nothing to do with this post, but I love it and I was trying to remember a happier time:)
What a week.  I know it is only Thursday, but we all set.  Let's close our eyes and hope next week comes quickly, shall we?  Let's recap where we have been so we can try not to repeat ourselves.

Monday: Um, I am not sure I remember Monday.  I do know that this was the day your behavior was so bad that your advent calendars hit the closet.

Tuesday:  Anna, you came home with a progress report from your music teacher.  Really?  I thought that was like PE.  It is a freebie.  Apparently not. Let's think of it as room for growth.

Wednesday:  Great part of the day is that I went out with friends to celebrate the end of one friend's breast cancer treatment.  YEAH.  Low part was that another mom called to report some very bad behavior on your part, Taylor.  This was my first call of this type, and I hope that I NEVER get a call like that again.  When I got home I spent a lot of time discussing said issue with your dad when he wanted to be sleeping or packing for his trip. SORRY LOVE!

Thursday:  Big talk with Taylor.  Apology note writing at 6:45am. Justin is off to Thailand.  Anna, you destroyed your room during a play date, including shredding a poinsettia, had a melt down, and could barely keep yourself together.  Hudson, you barfed up your dinner.....all over your dinner.  Hubbie came over to help us get through a rough dinner hour.  I forgot/had no idea what we do for St. Nick's day and had to run out and get little gifts for all of you.

So, here we are.  St. Nick is coming tomorrow and bringing you little gifts and he was so kind, he brought mommy a People magazine:)

Tomorrow we have flu shots, and eye and ear check for Anna, and a late work night for Mommy.  YEAH!  THE WEEK IS ALMOST OVER KIDS!

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