Thursday, August 29, 2013

Wow..... I am lucky to be your mom.

Dear Taylor, Anna, and Hudson,

You three are doing so many amazing things every single day, and I want to make sure I take a moment to remember some of them.  So, because my memory is short, and the internet's memory is long, here we go:

1. Buddy, you are so funny. You make us laugh so hard every day and you bring such levity to us.  We couldn't survive without you.
2. You are working so hard on potty training.  
3. You still love to "wook at the wetters."  We love to look at them with you.
4. You love your sisters.  You have been missing them so much since they are back in school.  Yesterday when you woke up from your nap the first thing you said was, "I gotta go.  We get the girls.  Let's get the girls."

1. I can barely type words about your success and accomplishment this summer without welling up with tears.  You have worked so incredibly hard with both your PT and OT this summer, and I am in awe.  Your attitude is better than anyone I know.  
2. At OT you spent the better part of the summer making a book.  You wrote the story, illustrated the pictures, made a front cover, back cover and title page.  You brought your book home this week, beaming with pride, and walked me through every single detail.  It is the most incredible book I have ever seen. (more coming on this with pictures)
3. You are in first grade now, and are tackling this with this with the same joy and passion as everything else.  You stay through the full day, will have homework, and are loving every minute.  While these words would never cross your lips, I think it is exhausting.  Last night you easily headed to bed, peeled back your covers, and promptly fell asleep without even adjusting a pillow.

You were so beautiful and peaceful I stopped for a minute to watch you breathe in and out and I felt so happy watching you.  I am so lucky to be your mom Anna.  I hope I can harness the energy you have, share your love of life, and continue to grow and learn with as much excitement as you do every single day.

1. What an exciting year you had last year Taylor.  I am not sure I ever got organized enough to post this, but since I only got some of your work framed yesterday, it is worth remembering.  Your art is detailed, complex and beautiful- exactly like you:) (yours are the two on the right).  We are trying to decide where to hang these pieces, we want them in our room or the family room, you girls want them in your rooms.  Such demand!
2.  You are in third grade now, which means letter grads.  You are nervous and excited, I am too.  You are going to do well no matter what.  You are curious, smart and intuitive.  Nothing can stop you.  

3. You are THE BEST big sister.  Patient, kind, silly, funny.  Anna and Hudson live for you, and you for them.  They are so lucky that you are their example every day.

I am so lucky to be your mom.

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